The key to excellence is nurturing of the natural talents which enable students for a passionate participation in course and careers and can contribute in areas like natural science, humanities and technology. Moreover, they have to aim for excellence not in the areas that are fading out but in the areas emerging in the coming decades.

For nurturing of natural talents, first we have to identify the inborn talents of students. Multiple Intelligence assessment will help us to identify the inborn talents of each student and the analysis of the unique combination of different intelligences of each student will reveal the areas in which the students are going to be excellent in studying subjects, developing twenty first century skill set, winning interschool competitions like SPYTiS One of Kerala Government , National Children’s Science Congress of India Government, global educational fairs like Google Science Fair ,Intel Science Fair, Maths Olymbyad etc.
We will help teachers to prepare individual profiling of each student and can orient each student based on his strength ( from Grade 3 to grade 7) recording each students’ talent graph and notes for improvement in a profile file. Besides, school management can be able to provide guidance to parents and students which stream to be selected for an excellent result in plus one ( from grade 8 to 10) , under graduation, post-graduation and higher studies and in which profession the student can be an excellent performer. We would get each student’s diverse capacities (STUDENT DNA) that consequently generates SCHOOL DNA. Based on this meta-data, school management can prepare a master plan for academic excellence.